• Question: From tobias, is time and space combined to make another thing?

    Asked by to Thomas on 13 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Thomas Elias Cocolios

      Thomas Elias Cocolios answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      Time and space are combined to give a better description of a world in perpetual evolution. By treating them under a single framework, you start to see effects appear whereby changes in space have an influence on time, or where the time influences space. This is the premise of General Relativity that unifies our understanding of these effects from our ‘classical’ perception to extreme velocities (like in accelerators) or scales (like in the universe).

      Beyond that 3+1D concept, which we can still grasp since we understand the passing of time, fundamental theorists nowadays are theorising that we experience those dimensions, out of a larger number of dimensions (10 or 13, depending on the theory or the time of day =P) that exist. In those theories, particles that elude us or concept of missing energies are due to the fact that things such as the graviton probably experience the other dimensions more and are thus not found in our universe (or rather not in the way we experience it). It is however a concept that I fail to be able to experience, so I try not to speculate too much on it.
