• Question: Are you ready for I'm a Scientist, Get me out of here?

    Asked by modjosh to Becky, Clara, Daniel, Simon, Thomas on 6 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Becky Martin

      Becky Martin answered on 6 Mar 2014:

      Haha! I hope so.

    • Photo: Thomas Elias Cocolios

      Thomas Elias Cocolios answered on 6 Mar 2014:

      Oh myy! I think I need to prepare some more, just to be sure that I am going to be ready for all the questions. But my profile is up to date, my schedule is cleared, and I have prepared my lucky tie for the event. So I guess the basics are cared for.

    • Photo: Clara Nellist

      Clara Nellist answered on 6 Mar 2014:

      Ready and raring to go! 🙂

    • Photo: Simon Albright

      Simon Albright answered on 6 Mar 2014:

      Define “ready”. I’m looking forward to it, but have no idea what to expect which makes readiness a difficult term to quantify.

    • Photo: Daniel Roach

      Daniel Roach answered on 6 Mar 2014:

      I’ve still got some milk to buy… but, sure! I’m ready.
